Thursday, August 20, 2009

Language of the Screen

The screen is a great, easy to understand tool for communication. Many people watch movies, documentaries and series for entertainment and not usually going in depth of how much work and technique has actually taken place to deliver a certain message to the viewer. A reason for this might be that people tend to focus on understanding the message given to them instead of analysing how it is delivered.

Screen shots reveal much more than a story. While they answer all the 5W's, Who, where, why, what, and when, they also show expressions, emotions, physical gestures and physical size. All these factors will affect the message conveyed to the viewer by how they are presented in the screen shots. Every single centimeter or inch will affect how the viewer sees and understands the message. Therefore to communicate effectively, every angle, scene, characters, expressions, gestures and props in the shot must be concise and competent.

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